Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Story

I wasn't always fat. Actually, I started life pretty normal. I never would have thought that I would have anything to worry about. No one in my family had ever struggled with their weight in their younger years. See, totally normal looking four year old, weight wise. I can't say that I was active as a child, the most I did was swimming lessons and tap dancing. I stayed "normal" looking until I was about eight years old and I started to chunk out a little bit, but no one really noticed.

Years went by and I continued to gain weight. By the time I was ten, I weighed 120 pounds, and was short. I don't know my exact height but I was fat. A few more years went by and I was 13 years old. I had reached 186 pounds at 5 feet 2 inches. It got to the point where I would not wear red because the kids at school would call me "The Kool-Aid Man". Didn't like that too much, so I decided to do something about it. The summer between middle school and high school I went on a diet. I lost about 20 pounds putting me at I think 167 pounds and I thought for the first time in my life, I looked hot. I rode my bike non stop. I would ride that thing two miles to visit friends.

My sophomore year of high school, I joined that swim team and dropped even more weight and look even better. That year I got my first real boyfriend and life was great. The next year I got a job as a hostess and was still swimming that continued until I graduated high school. With all my walking and swimming I could pretty much eat what ever I wanted and didn't have to worry about gaining weight. Then everything changed...

I was no longer a kid and got a real job instead of going to school full time, something I seriously regret. I went from being extremely active to being sedentary eight or nine hours a day. I had a new boyfriend and we would go out to dinner every night which was not good for either of us. We had both quickly gained weight. I had put on 50 pounds by October. At 19, I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life tipping the scale at 225 pounds. I dropped some of the weight and sat between 200 and 210 until I was 22 (2004). In late 2004 I started kick boxing and really liked it. I continued to do it for the rest of the year without any results. Then everything changed...

I woke up on January 2nd 2005 and decided that I didn't want to be fat anymore. I joined a gym and started the Slim Fast diet and slowly started to lose weight. I was happy with how I was starting to look but wasn't quite sure what I needed to do to take it a step further. I talked with my kick boxing instructor and he taught me about nutrition and became a true inspiration to me. By April of 2005 I was down to 175 pounds and running two miles without getting tired, but I still wanted more. I wanted to be thin and hot and I had motivation and did pretty much what I could to get what or possibly who I wanted.

To make a long story shorter, I didn't get what or who I wanted. Let's move to mid 2006. I looked great. I was wearing a size 10. Never saw that size in my life. At that point I fully gave up on who I wanted and started fresh. I started dating a lot more. In October of that year I met my husband and actually not too much later planned a wedding. I started working out with a personal trainer and got down to my lowest weight ever in my adult life, 161 pounds. Then everything changed...

In January of 2008, I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I gained 70 pounds, but I was going to breast feed, so I'd lose it really fast. But, I had to have a c-section. I lost about 35 pounds of that and surprise, baby number two is on the way. Luckily, I only gained 37 pounds with that pregnancy.

So, two c-sections in a year. Not so easy to go back to normal after that, but I'm going to do it. My challenge is to lose 50 pounds over the next 120 days. I am doing this blog to keep motivated and to motivate other moms that they can do it too. Also, I will be held more accountable for what I do because I don't want to fail with people watching me. I hope my story inspires people and check back for update and other info.


  1. Let's hear more about this husband of yours. He sounds hot.

  2. Rebecca- Just lost twenty pounds and am hoping for ten more. I gained 25 pounds when I quit smoking 20 years ago and have wrestled with weight ever since. No on in my family is overweight but I do have hypothyroidism. Have you been checked for that? It really messes with your weight. I will be checking in and wishing you well. And on that hot husband, too

  3. That's great Patti! Best of luck to you. Medically, there is nothing wrong with me.
